5 Bums on a rugby post!

I came across the above phrase and the above picture about 7 or 8 years ago when I was starting out in the financial services industry and we were trying to get the best solution for a customer by asking questions using:

Who, what, where, when, why (the 5 bums) and how (the rugby post).

Every so often since then it has made a re-appearance in my life and it has hit be big time today and have ask myself the following: 

*What have I let myself become, by overeating and becoming the fat, ugly, disgusting overweight bitch?
*Why have I have done this to me?
*When and where did this start did I allow this self-sabotage start?
*Why did I let this self-sabotage start?
*Whose fault is it?
*How did I let this happen?
*Who enabled me?

I had to stop this thinking quick - as it is no-ones fault but mine and I used food as a way of feeling good about myself.  I have felt that in the past, by enjoying food and clearing my plate etc I was being good at something (sometimes I fell that eating is what I am really good at), clever and I got recognition for clearing my plate.

At the end of the day it is no-ones fault, as I only really put on the weight when I was older and not exercising as much. I carried on enabling myself!

So here is to switching my thinking!

*What am I doing to put this right?
*Why do I want to loose the weight and become a skinny bitch?
*When am I going to do it?
*Where can I go to help me loose the weight?
*Who is going to help me?
*How am I going to do it?

The answers!

I am going to use mindset and motivation techniques - I have recently joined Steve Miller's online Fatnosis group - and the techniques he provides are fab!  I joined the group at the beginning of the year and attended his conference in Birmingham - I was so lucky that he spent some time with me at lunch giving me the push!

I will admit it took me 2 months for everything he has been teaching to sink in and started using some of his ideas last week (Monday 26 March was my start date) and I weighed myself yesterday, and came in with a 4lb loss!

And do you know what.....I loved every bit of food I ate - I ate healthy food that I enjoyed and a little bit of the naughty food/drink to!

Steve doesn't put the emphasis on food - but on the mindset and motivation!  such as WHY am I doing this - and my answer is because I want to feel feel better about me - I want to be light and fit enough to ride horses again - I want to wear a gorgeous bikini and look HOT!

I have also got to remember that the only person who can do it is me!  Yes I get support from the boyfriend and he encourages me (I am so lucky there!) and he comes out walking with me, as well as choosing nice tasty recipes for breakfast lunch and dinner!

Just got to remember the following:
