
I have such a long way to go with my weight loss journey - this is not just the amount of weight I have to loose, as that it is the easy part - it is the barriers that I am putting in place to try and stop me from moving forwards.

This surrounds the belief I have in myself, for example I don't believe I am good enough or worthy enough for my weight loss journey.  I need to start loving me for who and what I am, because I know I can do it and I will feel much better for it.

I love the feeling of waking up the next day knowing that I have done everything right the day before, such as drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep and enjoying going for short walks again, as well as eating right and nourishing my body.

A barrier that I do put up is that I struggle to walk, because of the pain in my knees, and I use this as an excuse not to go for walks.  When in reality going for a walk, even if it just for 10 minutes,  energises me and actually helps to loosen the muscles in my body, so I actually feel better.  Which in turn lifts the brain fog.

I do believe that when we are overweight we feel more anxious and down in the dumps more, which is what I refer to as brain fog and I am all for doing something that helps us feel better and prouder of ourselves - it helps us to feel worthy.

By believing in ourselves it helps us to create courage and strength to move forwards so we can take the leaps over the barriers, as we are able to recognise those barrier for what they are.  We all have our own barriers and we do not always see them straight away, but we need to recognise that they are there.

If we allow our barriers to keep us in one place, we will not respect ourselves any longer and it will make our situation worsen.  We need to believe that we can jump out of the box and be able to push the boundaries (within reason) so we can become healthier mentally and physically.

This quote is so true, I need to be creating a high vibe and asking the universe for what I want and then I will get what I want.
