Wake the Fuck Up - Time to Shrink!

Hello from the Shrinking Diva!

My name is Lucy and I am overweight and obese!

I seem to have spent my life trying to slim down, but have always put the weight back on and more!

Monday morning I weighed in at my heaviest ever weight - big shock, but it goes to show when you take the foot of the pedal, the car slows down and stops!

Time to wake the fuck up and get moving, because there is no way I ever getting this fucking big again.

Got to stop with the excuses and just fucking do it!

Back in January I was very lucky to be able to attend Steve Miller's Fatnosis conference and this was such as big eye opener.  This is because it was refreshing to hear that it was not just about the food, but its about what you put your mind to and how we can use these mindset tactics.

I have since then been half heartily committing to some of the suggested mindset practises, until this week.

It isn't easy, but I am going to make this work for me - and I can choose the motivation and mindset practises that work for me! 

Beautiful clothes are calling me!
