Weight Loss

I love this quote and is a good way to drive me forwards, especially at this stage in my weight loss journey.  Since I last blogged I have lost 10lbs - so happy!

I know have 2 weigh-in's a week - Monday mornings is weigh in one, because this is what I have lost since I started properly using Steve Miller's Mindset tools.  My second weigh in is a Tuesday night as I have re-joined slimming world again - I find I need this structure, which is what is missing from Steve Millers programme.  I rejoined on Tuesday just gone and I feel so much better and alert.

We all now that to get where we want we have to be persistent to go there, lets face it, when you are trying to change your eating habits it can be very difficult and if we persist, even when we haven't stuck to the 'plan' we will get there.  It does not matter if we take the direct route down the M$ or the long and windy route through the lovely countryside we have - we will get there.

However, we do need an end goal -  we do not just get in the car drive without knowing where we are going - it is the same with our weight loss journey - not only do we have to want to lose weight, we need to know where we are going and for me I need to know why, a reason.

The reason we know to why because this is our motivating force which will push us from were we where to were we want to be!  This can be broken down into mini chunks.  My first mini goal is have lost a stone before I go on holiday at the end of May.  I am using my slimming world weigh-ins for this guide - I have worked that pout to be 3.5lbs per week!  Yes I have got lunches out in that time, as well as days out and nights out with my friends. 

Lunch is a work one and we need to pre-order - so I will now exactly what I am getting.  My day out as Badminton Horse Trails on Saturday and we will be taking a picnic with us.  We tend not to buy food there due to the price, except maybe a bacon roll and coffee in the morning when we get there!  There will also be lots of walking, so I will get tonnes of exercise in.

Buy being persistent and consistent I will get my first target of a stone!

Persistence and consistency is not easy and it can hurt, not just physically but emotionally to!  Dedication and willpower are what help us get there and changing our bad habits into good ones.  But it is worth it and I will achieve it!

Who wouldn't want to look like this?
