
I am writing this at 17.15 and I am currently feeling low and run down.  I do know why this is.

I had a great day yesterday for early birthday celebrations and visited a National trust property called The Vyne, with Mark. 

Then yesterday evening we went for a meal at Browns and had some fabulous food, including a gorgeous Rainbow Beetroot Carpattio.  The meal was accompanied with a bottle of wine, cocktails and more wine when I got home.

The reason I am feeling low is I wouldn’t have slept well last night because of the amount of alcohol I drink - the lack of sleep and alcohol always make me feel this way.

Today has been a bit of a lazy day and because I am know feeling tired I am getting grumpy and feeling low!  This has always in the past affected my weight loss and two of the big things I am trying to concentrate on this time round on my journey is getting plenty of sleep and drinking plenty of water. 

We also need to remember that we can have a bit of fun and if we don't completely stick to plan on the odd occasion, then that’s okay as long as doesn't let us steer of plan and we keep aware of what we are putting in our mouths!

My goal is not really the number on the scale, but is to be able to be light enough so that I can start walking properly again without waddling.  This will mean that I can climb the fells in The Lakes and the Ben's in Scotland! 

My first goal is to be fit and light enough to able to climb Cat Bells in the Lakes again.  This one is important to me as it the first mountain I have climbed as an adult and completed it with Mark.

One thing that I did realise yesterday is how much more I could do, then I thought in my current situation.  It just goes to show how much we let our thoughts get in the way of us taking action.  I am feeling the extra exercise today though, but that is okay to!  But it is a step closer to getting up that most gorgeous mountain again!

I guess what I am trying to say is (and I have just named today’s blog) is that it is all about our mindset and how it can hinder us if we have the wrong one or more importantly how it can help us if we have the right frame of mind.

We need to be living on the moment and let those thoughts that don't serve us flow on buy!
